Neighborhood News
Click this to see pictures from the first Polo Farms Summer Olympics!

Polo Farms
Saturday, December 13th
The Social Committee
would like to invite you to a holiday party
at the Polo Farms Clubhouse. This event is adults only. We will
provide wine and drinks. Food will be catered by Chef Reto.
Please RSVP by November 1st. The cost is $20 per person or
$40 per couple. Make check payable to Kelly Wise and deliver to:
7010 Cross Hook Court
Summerfield, NC 27358
We hope everyone can make it!
Posted: October, 2014:
Polo Farms Halloween 2014 Party & Hayride was a great success!
Click here for pictures!
Posted: May, 2014:

Posted: October, 2011:

Posted: September, 2011:

Posted: June, 2010:
Posted: December 5, 2009:

Posted: October 27, 2009:

Posted: July 25, 2009:
Mark your calendars for the adult neighborhood pool party!!

September 6: 1st Annual Polo Farms Wine Tasting event - Please rsvp to
Kerry Andrews ( / 644-6981) or
Sue Mangiapane ( / 644-6888 ) - see you there!

April 30, 2008

Polo Farms
2008 Family Pool Party
Saturday –
June 14, 2008
We will have Pizza and Sodas/ alcohol will be BYOB
You can make your own Ice cream Sundaes!
Moon walk and games for kids
RSVP by June 13th to Sue Mangiapane at
Enza Johnson
January, 2006
Polo Farms Bunko. An excellent way to meet your neighbors and
have a good time. Ladies of Polo Farms! Please contact
Kendall Tyler Battleson
(click to find phone number & email)
for more information. Here are some great pix from past gatherings!
November 30, 2005
The Annual Polo Farms Homeowners Association
meeting will be held December 1 at 7:00 PM at the clubhouse. Please
make every effort to attend or give your proxy to a Board member.
Elections will be held for the Board of Directors and the ARC. A
financial review and a review of activities for the last 12 months will
also be presented. If you have any questions please call me at 644-9086.
John Crowder
September, 2005
Monday Morning Men's Meeting
Each Monday, from 6:30 to 7:30 at
the PF Neighborhood Clubhouse, join hosts
Rick Spencer and
David Pinon for coffee and
lively Biblical discourse. "We are starting a new
series called Starting Point which is a CD based investigative study of
the Bible, it's claims, it's reliability and accuracy." Join Polo
Farms Neighborhood men for an intriguing and thought-provoking start to
Have questions or need additional information? Please Contact:
Rick Spencer: 430-6228
David Pinon : 643-
September, 2005
Bunko, a social dice game with 12 players |
WHO: |
Ladies of Polo Farms |
Polo Farms Clubhouse |
The first Thursday of every month at 7pm |
$5 a month toward prizes |
Each player is hostess at the clubhouse once a year.
of the hostess: invitations, one prize according to a theme of your
choice, table snacks, sodas, set-up and clean-up.
Bunko is a Girls' Night Out, so no husbands or children are allowed!
Call DJ Beaton (643-8881) or email
Any number over 12 will be put on a sub list, so don't delay!
("Under 40" ladies interested in playing can also have a spot on the sub
Background information on Bunko:

Bunko, a fun and fascinating game, has been
around for centuries. It came to the United States when miners at the
Gold Rush of 1848 were introduced to the game. Popularity of the game
grew and spread Eastward, being played in every city in the nation. It
continued to be widely played in game parlors until 1941. The game made
a comeback in the 1980's, as more people moved out of the cities and
looked for fun and different ways to get together with friends. What
better way to spend a Girls' Night Out than with a lively game of Bunko
Dice? Enjoy!
June 12, 2004
Despite the overcast sky and cooler
temperatures, a good crowd came out for the pool party - good food &
conversation - and a lot of fun in the pool for the kids. Special thanks
to Glenna Palazzo for
coordinating the event!
June 4, 2004
Pool is open & Passes Inspection - Click
here for details.
May 25, 2004
Generally Speaking...
Several maintenance-related projects are underway or recently completed
in the general areas of Polo Farms -- from renewing the
fire-extinguishers in the clubhouse to new locks for the pool area. Exit
lights have also been installed the clubhouse and the flagpole is
scheduled to be repaired this week.
The landscaping company has done some work around the tennis court
area and will be covering the broken junction box with a decorative
'fake rock'. The entrance lights (at Horseman Trail) are also being
repaired. Also at the Horseman Trail entrance, evidently maimed by a
snow plow last Winter, is broken curbing. The word's still out on
whether the county will be paying for fixing it.
Fences, What Fences?
The fence painting project, started Fall 2003, has progressed a
great deal & the common areas are almost complete. In fact, the fence
facing Strawberry road is scheduled to be painted within the next week.
Individual homeowners with fences have the responsibility of maintaining
(inspecting, repairing, and repainting) individual portions of the fence
bordering their property. Everyone agrees that these fences look nice
and are an asset to the neighborhood when maintained. Please
inspect your fence and take the necessary steps to maintain it properly
- it will benefit us all!